how it works

everything you need to know

how do i GET INVOLVED?

via the ‘9d winter boulder series’ gym location on the toplogger app

The Winter Boulder Series is a free competition that anybody can enter! All you’ll need to do is climb at 9 Degrees like normal and download the Toplogger app (available on the App Store and Google Play). You’ll need to sign up for an account if you’re new to the app, just make sure you use your real name, otherwise we won’t be able to contact you to confirm a finals position or podium place.

what is the format?

your 12 hardest boulders

Between Monday the 8th of July and Thursday the 1st of August we want to see you climbing your heart out! Your top 12 boulders across all Sydney 9D gyms will count towards your score. Then, the top 5 competitors in Open A, B & Inclusive will receive an invite to climb in our finals event at Parramatta on Saturday, August 3rd. The top 3 competitiors in Open C and D will be crowned 1st, 2nd and 3rd off of their Toplogger score with prizegiving at the finals event.


How do I log my top 12 climbs?

via the toplogger app

  1. Within the app, navigate to ‘switch gym’ in the main menu

  2. Search for & select ‘9 Degrees Winter Boulder Series’

  3. Head to ‘competitions’ and select participate on the category that best suits you: male, female or inclusive

  4. Select ‘log boulders’

  5. Within the maps of the gyms, zoom in to the relevant area and locate the boulder you’d like to log

  6. Select the boulder and add it to your scorecard. Voila!

When can i climb them?

boulders are added into the competition with gym resets

When the competition begins each gym will have one reset worth of boulders available for scoring. As the weeks pass all new boulders set will be automatically added into the competition. This will continue until the competition closes, totalling 4 resets worth of boulders at each gym. All boulders will stay in the competition until the end of Thursday, August 1st.




micro beta

everything you need to know


do i have to visit all of the gyms to get my top 12?

No, but it’s a lot easier to get a higher score if you do!

what if i climbed one of the boulders before the competition started?

For the boulder to count towards your score you’ll need to climb (or re climb) it within the competition window.

how do i know what category i’m in?

This year we’ve simplified our categories, keeping it super easy for competitors. All you’ll need to do is join one of the three competition pools on toplogger, Female, Male or Inclusive. You can learn more here.

Do i have to climb the competition boulders on set day?

Nope! That is just the first day that they are in the competition. Once they’re set you can climb them any time before the competition closes.

can my child enter the competitioN?

We have no age minimums (or maximums!) for the WBS, however there are no age categories, so any youth climbers will need to compete with adults.


how do i officially ‘send’ a climb

The first holds (or volumes) your hands touch must have start tags on them. To begin a climb, you must show control of the start holds with your feet off the ground.

To finish, two hands need to be on the tagged end hold in a controlled manner for three seconds. Any outside influences like dabs of the mat or other holds during your climb will stop that attempt from counting.

what is a flash?

Flashing a climb means doing it on your first go, ever. Not first go of that session or after a cheeky foot slip nobody saw! A flash will score you 30 extra points.

can i still compete if i don’t want to climb in finals?

Of course! If you make finals and you’re not available just let us know and we’ll select the next qualified climber. It’s a blast though, we promise you’ll enjoy it!

dates and times

when does the competition close?

You’ll have until the end of Thursday August 1st to score your top 12 boulders.

Our route setting team will then be spending Thursday & Friday cooking up some amazing finals boulders before the event on Saturday August 3rd.

what day does each gym reset?

Monday at 9dP, Tuesday at 9dA, Wednesday at 9dLC and Thursday at 9dW.


what is the finals format?

Competitiors will have a 3 minute time limit to top each boulder, with 3 boulders per category. Attempts will be counted to find the winner.

Can i watch finals if i’m not competing?

Yes please! We’re hoping to get as much of our amazing community as possible in to watch the event. Sit back and enjoy the show with food, drinks, DJ, mini games, spectator prizes, pop up shops and more. You’ll even be able to climb the finals boulders after we’ve found our winners.

Not sure about something?

ask a question about the winter boulder series below

Any common questions will be added to this page for further clarification.